Categories: Food

Find Out What The Top 5 On-The-Go Foods Are Over The Whole World

From Some Fried Chicken To Ćevapi

Food is without a doubt one of current time’s divinities. As it’s one of the life’s finest pleasures and most enjoyable things. To the point that it has a key role in any cultural activity. Call it family dinner or Thanksgiving.

But even though food has a fundamental role in our daily lives it also has different uses. As there are some dishes you associate with specific activities. A grill on weekends, cakes at birthdays, hotdogs at the stadium, etc. This phenomenon happens all around the world. So we picked 5 of the top on the go dishes that people get. From the classic fish and chips to a shawarma.

Image Credit: @euunz2

5.El Salvador – Pollo Campero

Pollo Campero is one of Salvadorian’s favorite place to go. Especially if it’s for fried chicken. With only that being said you already know this is an incredible place. Since fried chicken is truly a dish sent by the gods and loved worldwide.

But Pollo Campero doesn’t stop there as they also do things like empanadas and other Latin American classic dishes, desserts and drinks.

4.Netherlands – Frikandel

The Frikandle is one of the most common and popular dishes in the Netherlands, and also in Belgium. It’s a minced meat sausage deep fried and served without a bun. It’s generally eaten warm.

In the Netherlands, it’s generally served with chopped onions and tons of mayonnaise. But it can also be served with ketchup, mustard and curry ketchup. Basically a skinless deep fried meat hot dog. Also, it usually comes along with french fries (“patat speciaal.”)

3. Serbia – Ćevapi

This dish is so popular that is considered a national plate. Not only in Serbia but also in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The ćevapi is so good and popular that is enjoyed in almost all the other Balkanic countries. Also, it’s an easy to carry and eat the dish.

It’s made of a warm type of flat or pita bread filled with chopped onions and ćevapi. Ćevapi itself is minced beef, pork or lamb formed into a sort of sausage shape. It’s most often topped with pepper, sour cream, and even with feta cheese.

2.Argentina – Choripán.

The choripan is a classic through all Latin America, but in Argentina, they’ve a cult. As it’s not only tasty but also easy to make. It consists of a grilled chorizo sausage, sliced in the half middle and served in a bread roll. Giving it the meaning of its name. Choripán = chorizo + pan (bread).

Also, they can really be topped by anything, from the classic sauces to onion, tomato, lettuce and anything you can imagine. They can literally be found everywhere in Argentina from a fancy restaurant to the soccer stadium and in the streets, being this the best ones.

1.Belgium – Fries

French fries are really self-explicatory. But in Belgium people tend to get them everywhere. As they’re served hot, in a paper cone, with industrial amounts of mayonnaise.

Even though Belgium already featured in a way with the “frikandel,” they’re geniuses by making fries even more popular and by eating them more frequently. Because there is really no living being who doesn’t love them.

Source: Buzzfeed.com

Luis Farage: