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How To Overcome Difficulties While Studying On A Psychology Course

It will take more than your willpower to overcome challenges, to take you through a college education. While these challenges stop a lot of students, we have addressed their solutions.

Above is an illustration of art depicting the interconnection of today’s world and the value of psychology. This magnifies the complexity of the course.

Education has its rewards and its challenges. However, success is measured in one’s ability to overcome these challenges and rise above them. Despite all this, the world we live in is result-oriented. By so saying, our modern society will glorify the glamorous results, not taking into account the gruesome process that grew you there. Speaking about the process, do you know that our top team of researchers and writers at getpsychologyessay.com can help you complete your psychology essay?

In this article, we shall be exploring the difficulties of, not just education but specifically studying the psychology course, and how to overcome them. These issues range from a temporary glitch to full-blown issues that demotivate a student leading to failure or dropouts. Through this article, we shall arm you with the right tools and strategies to revive that will-power and soldier on.

Why Studying Psychology Can Be Hard

Psychology is a science, a social science. In every discipline of science, there is a myriad of questions that professionals face while attempting to come up with answers. Psychologists are no exception. Time and time again, they will try to understand and attempt to mitigate the impact of psychological disorders, such as depression. These disorders vary in some way from one patient to another. This alone makes the whole practice a challenge.

But despite all this, does the study of psychology really pose any substantial challenge? And if there are, do they make the study of psychology hard? The primary objective of a psychologist is to predict human behavior by first understanding what causes it. However, the response by different people makes this prediction a little bit harder.

There exists a huge pool of variations on different people when exposed to similar psychological and physical dimensions. Take depression, for example, despite the fact that some symptoms are common in all patients, their experiences with the conditions vary drastically. That is to say, someone might get depressed from the loss of a loved one while the response of another person is pretty unhinged. As a result of this variation, the paradigm of prediction is based on a very wide probabilistic set.

After a load of course content and a wide range of areas that one can major in, it might be thought that psychology is an easy practice. Predicting human behavior to a common man sounds like a typically easy thing to accomplish. However, with almost all behavior being multiply determined, that is to say, it is influenced by multiple factors. All over sudden, it begins to look challenging. Despite this, the study of psychology will tell you that apart from the result of the behavior being multiple, the levels of explanation at which certain behavior is triggered are different as well. For example, depression is triggered by genetic factors, personal factors, and social and cultural factors. However, while some may experience depression with high levels of these factors, others may have a combination of low, medium, and high factors, respectively.

To further complicate the study of psychology, you come to find that these factors are not even operating on an independent plane. They associate with each other and could set one another in motion. This sort of overlapping determinants makes it hard for psychologists to pinpoint the specific causes of behavior.

The difficulty of studying this science, however, lies in the fact that it involves studying human, intangible elements, which are definitely outside our conscious awareness. Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939), an Austrian neurologist, theorized the cause of psychological disorders as a result of repressed memories that have been moved outside our consciousness yet still affecting the conscious. This analysis of what we cannot see in specificity is what increases the complexity of studying psychology.

Difficulties While Studying a Psychological Course

Apart from the content of the subject itself, studying a psychological course can be filled by many other difficulties. Things that are outside what the course covers. Before attaining that rewarding career in psychology, you will be required to put in a lot of hard work and commitment in academics and areas surrounding your studies.

I suppose your eyes are fixated on getting that license to operate as a psychologist, social worker, counselor, or therapist. To get there, you will have to finish your bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree, and in isolated cases, even a doctorate. Your persistence yielded by conviction, unfaltering concentration, and a stable emotional balance is key through these gruesome studies.

Looking at some of the accomplished psychology experts, you will find that they all have some tough hurdles to go over before they got so decorated in this field. Below are some of the personal college-related difficulties that are commonly faced by psychology students that you could expect.

  • Self-doubt

You are going to have countless of these moments, where you will feel like you can not go further academically or mentally. Here you will consider quitting or being content with the little you will have. You will realize that most of this will come from trying to weigh your own abilities against those of people around you. For sure, you will not measure up in one way or another. In practices such as the counseling program, your responses might not seem as smart and inspiring as those of others. But remember, once you feel this way, keep the mantra in your head that this is the process, and you have to trust in it. That way, you will always do your best and stick to it.

  • Slowing Down

While in the first case, the challenge might cause you to feel sluggish or left behind, those struggling with this type of challenge are on the other end of the spectrum. There are those who know what they want to achieve, but they also want to achieve it really fast. These fellows sign up for more classes than they can chew and overwork themselves to complete a degree, masters, or doctorate program within a shorter time than expected. Slowing down helps you put yourself within your body’s comfortable work limit. Failure to do so, you will end up landing yourself in stress management and hospital for severe mental and physical exhaustion. You are not only risking your life but also the quality of the knowledge you acquire is bound to be so sketchy.

  • Fear

You are not the first person to be in university and not the first person to study psychology. This discipline is centuries old, and it has been refined time and time again to what it is today. You can be sure that fear will only make you lose the fat you have in yourself. The biggest fear in most psychology students and actually university students is the fact that they might be stuck with useless degrees. Fear will only take away your motivation, which only adds to the challenge of completing your studies than solving it. Simple insight, how about you do what you can do at the moment?

  • Zero Motivation

Lack of motivation can originate from different factors. While some people are enthusiastic about completing their college education, others just lack to see the importance of it. A motivational loss could also be a result of the wrong career choices. Being in psychology means you need to enjoy the study of the social element of human beings. Lack of resources could also demoralize a student. All these are difficulties that you are or might face as a student in psychology. A change of heart can eliminate some of them, and others will definitely require more input.

Overcoming Difficulties While Studying a Psychological Course

While most of the challenges outlined can be solved with an adjustment of character or outlook, others will call for more attention and input. Some of them, however, are in some way out of our control. For the latter, you shall have to learn to live with them. This section outlines the ways in which you could overcome several difficulties while studying a psychological course.

1. Handling Low Motivation

Low motivation is perhaps one of the biggest problems you will have to deal with in your study period. Motivation is the internal drive, the experience of desire towards a goal from a subjective aspect. The lack of such a strong aspiration towards psychology will hinder you from getting through the massive volumes of content and work that you are expected to cover.

To begin dealing with a motivation problem, you first need to identify what motivates you. This could be the satisfaction of completing tasks, appreciation, perception of your peers, rewards, or long-term success. Once you figure out your source of motivation, then you can attempt to engage it. To support that, stick to a proper diet and engage motivational quotes for that boost.

2. Handling Boring Subjects

Boring subjects are common at every level of education. Some students mistake boring subjects with their dislike of the entire course. However, this is not true. Lose the fear that you made the wrong choice in college and try to decipher why you do not enjoy a specific subject.

There are several reasons why you could be experiencing this. Either the subject is hard, you feel somewhat about the teacher, or something is happening in your life that makes education at the moment seem less important. The subject might look unnecessary for the course, or maybe the teacher is not inspiring enough. Whatever the reason, you need to get around it because it will affect your ultimate score.

To begin with, you do not want a bad grade. Therefore, you need to change your mindset. Keep in mind that the long-term goal is to get a good score and reboot your confidence. Devote more time to it, and with the time you will master that subject you dislike.

3. Handling Inadequacy of Resources

Success in education is highly dependent on gaining access to the necessary resources—these range from books, gadgets, and human resources such as teachers. If the problem is a lack of knowledge on what are the appropriate books to get, it is always advisable to consult the teacher before going ahead to buy them. However, the issue might be financial, and the cost of books and a laptop might be taking a toll on you. Most universities have programs that help in subsidizing the prices of gadgets and books to aid those in need.

4. Handling Poor Academic Habits

The process of learning can be plagued with a lack of concentration, poor time management, remembrance difficulties, or overwhelming distractions. All these factors fall under poor academic habits. They pose challenges to the attainment of success by so many students in psychology and elsewhere. It is advisable to constantly reevaluate your goals as a student and remind yourself of your long-term objective. By doing so, you create a constant routine and adhere to it, and if necessary, seek advice from peers, teachers, parents, or experts.

Pablo Luna: