Categories: Celebrity

Learn The Meaning Behind This Top 10 Nirvana Tracks

They’ll Shock You

The 90’s was the last decade that incredible music was created. For many, it was the last time rock & roll was alive. Not only by producing new music genres but as well by creating the Generation-X movement and some legendary bands. In those legendary bands and musical movements, the spotlight was on grunge.

As this was the main background music for the decade the iconic bands of it were Pearl Jam, Mudhoney, Alice in Chains but mainly Nirvana. Nirvana alongside lead singer Kurt Cobain became not only the voice of a generation but also legends.

Now more than 20 years have passed since Cobain committed suicide, but his songs have remained timeless. So here we leave you 10 songs of the legendary grunge icon. With their meaning according to himself.They’re not the most known of all by everybody, but they’re without a doubt some of the best.

One of the band’s most known song. Cobain’s anti-rape anthem uses his ironic twist to state that even that the victim is vulnerable at the time it will haves its revenge. The song was written after Kurt found out two guys rape a girl in one of their concerts, considering this the most disgusting act a person could do. Calling them “wastes of sperm.” As well it was how Cobain felt over the constant media coverage of his life. Fun fact the songs uses the same chords as “Smell Like A Teen Spirit” but inverted.


9.In Bloom – Nevermind.

A song about adolescence and sexual confusion, some of Cobain’s favorite topics. As he claims that he had a horrible adolescence, including the fact that he wasn’t sure of his sexuality for a time while growing up. Also hating the teenage angst of fitting in and “not conforming to the cheerleader jock stereotype.” The band wore dresses in the song’s musical video just to mess around with the homophobes, as well as a parody of The Beatles beloved by Kurt.

8.All Apologies – In Utero.

The song was dedicated to Courtney Love and their daughter Frances Bean Cobain. As it is a folky calm song and was originally titled “La La La.” The only description that Kurt ever offered about the song when asked about it was “peaceful, happy, comfort.” And was one of the songs that the band played in their famous MTV Unplugged.

7.Sifting – Bleach.

One of Cobain’s most mysterious songs, as he rarely spoke about it. It is the final and longest song on their debut album “Bleach” The song talks about discovering yourself and refusing to grow up and do the average American average apple pie life. Get a job and fit into society as expected. “Wet your bed, wouldn’t it be fun?” the song says.

6.Mr. Moustache – Bleach.

A proclaim and satire on the idea of masculinity, and what it means to be a modern man. Cobain hated the concept of the “macho man” and those who represent it. Something that he knew from first hand as he was forced by his dad to be part of the school’s wrestling team. But he claimed to have “pretended to be gay to piss people off”.

5.Lithium – Nevermind.

According to Cobain’s words, the song is about a man who after the death of his girlfriend turns into religion “as a last resort to keep himself alive. To keep him from suicide”. The title dates back to collaboration in 1990 with Screaming Trees’ Mark Lanegan. As both of them were writing an album together, and Kurt wanted to name the project Lithium.

4.Serve the Servants – In Utero.

The opening song of “In Utero.” The song is oftenly described with an autobiographical character. And as Cobain’s most autobiographical song. Full of references to his life. As there are mentions to Kurt’s father (“I tried hard to have a father but instead I had a dad”), his wife Courtney Love (“If she floats, then she is not a witch”) and his own success (“teenage angst has paid off well”).

3.Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle – In Utero.

The songs talk about how Kurt felt related and saw parallels between his and Frances Farmer’s life. Who was a 30’s movie star who rebelled against her studio and was caught drunk driving. And then attempted to flee to Mexico. She then entered therapy where she was treated with electric shocks. Something that Cobain related to his relationship with the press and his record company’s pressure to release more mainstream material. As well as the anti-system and rebellious stand.

2.Pennyroyal Tea – In Utero.

Another autobiographical song. Cobain talks about his imperfect way of being and not fitting in the expectations. Along with his health problems all summed up in ironic lines like “I have really bad posture.” As well during all his life he sufferer of painful stomach ulcers, which he tried to ease with drugs but as well by drinking herbal tea. But it didn’t help as he wrote in his journals “It doesn’t work, you hippie.” As well urban legends claimed that if its drank in large enough quantities, the tea can cause abortions, one of Kurt’s obsessions.

1.Tourette’s – In Utero.

A condensed explosion, as it is “In Utero’s” shortest song. The song talks about Cobain’s fear of turning into an angry and annoyed old man. As he stated that he didn’t want to be a “some eighty-year-old guy with Tourette’s Syndrome, cursing his head off, telling the whole world they’re fucked.” And something that might be backed up in his suicide note “It’s better to burn out than to fade away.”

Luis Farage: