Categories: Tech

Nintendo Switch Online Will Include Classic NES Games

Users Will Be Able To Enjoy Classic Games Such As Super Mario Bros.

Some time ago, Nintendo announced that the Nintendo Switch will count with its own paid online service, but remained silent about it for a while. This week, some details about the mysterious new online network were finally shared.

First, the company stated that the Nintendo Switch Online service will arrive in 2018. Sharing the costs and some of the features it will have. Later, it was revealed that it will include a collection of classic NES games. “Users will be able to play “as many of the games as they want, as often as they like, as long as they have an active subscription,” according to a statement published on Kotaku.

Image Credit: The Verge

While it was previously announced that subscribers would get access to a different game each month. The company changed its mind and the Nintendo Switch Online subscribers will have ongoing access to the library of classic games, that include ‘Super Mario Bros. 3,’ ‘Balloon Fight,’ ‘Dr. Mario.’ And more to be announced.

NES games will be included at the launch of the classic game library, but as for the Super NES games, they are still under consideration.

The Nintendo online service will be budget-friendly

As if the incorporation of an online service that gives access to beloved classic games weren’t good enough, Nintendo is also making of it a really accessible service.

A statement published on the Nintendo website, assures users will be able to sign in into their Nintendo account and play all game for will be free until the service launches in 2018. Subscribers will get free versions of the three classic games named above, with added online features. After that, it will cost $3.99 for a one-month membership; $7.99 for a three-month membership; and $19.99 for a one-year membership. That doesn’t sound bad at all.

A new app will be launched alongside the online service

The service offers some cool new features, like voice chat and an online lobby. This will let users invite friends to “play online, set play appointments, and chat with friends during online matches in compatible games,” the statement says.

Image Credit: The Verge

But all these features won’t be available on the Switch itself. You will be able to use them only through your a smartphone app. Nintendo also shared that a free, limited version of the app will be available for download in summer 2017.

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