Categories: WOW

This Mother Rejecting Her Gay Son On His Wedding Day Is Just Heartbreaking

This Is The 21 Century People, Come On!

People are losing it over a mother rejecting her son on his wedding day. On Monday, the heartbreaking finale of Bride and Prejudice was shocking not only for Chris who was rejected by his parents but for us too.

After weeks trying to get to them come to his wedding, he heard the news of their decision to not attend the celebration via a video message. This is so sad. On the bright side, he got married and is now sharing the rest of his lifhubby his hubbie!

Bride and Prejudice.

Brides and Prejudice is an Australian reality show that follows couples planning their wedding, the only detail is that their families disapprove their relationship.

This is the case of Chris who’s in a three-year relationship with Grant. During the whole season, Chris tried to persuade his Jehovah’s Witness mother, Yvonne and his father Geoff, to attend the wedding.

Via Buzzfeed

The big question remained.

For weeks viewers saw Chris and Grant preparing their wedding and his attempts to persuade his parents, he even sent them two plain tickets to attend the wedding in Palm Springs. But the big question remained, were Chris parents coming or not?

Well, in the season finale we got our answer and it was heartbreaking and quite sad. The season finale was also the day the wedding ceremony was being held, so on Monday Chris learned by his Aunt Alison that his parents were not going, and it crushed him. Aunt Alison gave him a video of her mother explaining her absence.

Via Buzzfeed

Heart-wrenching news.

Chris’ parents decided to break the news on the very wedding day via a video message. In the video, Chris mom explains the absence in the special day. It’s really heartwrenching.

“We’re pretty strong on how we feel about the situation and we also know what you want us to be able to give you — which is acceptance of your personal life choices — and Chris, we can’t,” she said.

Via Buzzfeed

Here’s the entire message.

“Hi Chris, it’s just Mum talking to you today because Dad actually found this all a little too overwhelming. Just as you are hurting, so are we. I’m really sorry if you thought you weren’t loved or that we weren’t proud of you when you were a young boy. I thought I knew you, I felt very close to you at that time, and I loved you, and I loved you very dearly… and I still do Chris. It wasn’t until you were about 20-21 that we came to understand that you were starting to live a homosexual life. We tried to stay in your life as much as we could, considering our strong views on the subject.

I know a lot of people today think they’re outdated and old fashioned, but they’re something we value and hold dearly. We’re pretty strong on how we feel about the situation and we also know what you want us to be able to give you – which is acceptance of your personal life choices – and Chris, we can’t. But in saying that, we do want to know how well you’re doing, and that you’re well, and that you’re ok. But for now, Chris you really are about to do something that we find really hard to accept, which is to have a wedding ceremony. I hold marriage very sacred so I can’t give you that acceptance or be part of that part of your life. That part of your life is just not compatible with ours but your life is yours to live as you see fit.

We want you to know that we do love you, and we want you to keep well. And… yeah, that’s really all I’ve got to say at this stage. I love you and keep well. Bye.”

People were shocked about Yvonne’s message.

Sharing their love.

Despite the hard news and the situation, Chris and Grant got married and Chris even thanked his parents in a speech during the party. He’s got such a big heart.Grant turned to Twitter to share some love and happiness, after all, they’re together and have a beautiful future ahead of them.

Congrats guys!

Source: Buzzfeed

Anais Gutierrez: