Stephen King’s ‘The Mist’ Will Be Turned Into An Ongoing Series On SpikeTV

‘It’s Like A Weird, Twisted Cousin To The Original Source Material.’

Terror has always been one of the most important genres of all times. That goes for literature, movies, and even music. Since for some inexplicable reason, we love to get scared. Due to the demand of spookiness, there are some authors that have specialized on it, like Stephen King.

King gifted us many nightmares with many of his books, to the point of reaching pop culture level. Many have been adapted into movies, becoming iconic ones like ‘Carrie’. Now one of the most relevant books, of Stephen King is going to the TV screen. As the Mist will be adapted into a TV series on Spike.

Image Credit: youtube.com

More mist

It has been ten years since the movie based on King’s book came out. But now the dangerous mist filled with the unknown is coming to terrorize our TV screens. As the trailer shows us obviously a new cast that will play the roles of David Drayton, Brent Norton and Mrs Carmody.

But it also gives us a hint of what the show will look like. Again, showing us some scenes of key moments in the book and on the film. It will be pretty interesting to see how the guys of Spike adapt the terror story to a TV show.

Hidden in the unknown

The series will surely place us in Bridgeville, Maine, as it’s citizens, find themselves surrounded by a mysterious mist out of sudden. Full of inexplicable and bizarre threats and creatures, that hide in the unknown. The concept of the story is pretty incredible as it makes us think, “What will people do to survive when blinded by fear?”

But the show won’t be a remake of the movie or the book, it will be its own version of the story. As executive producer, Christian Thorpe said in an interview “Let’s call it a reimagination. It’s like a weird, twisted cousin to the original source material. Fans of the movie and of the book and of Mr King’s work will certainly see elements from it. We also, in order to develop it for TV and turn it into an ongoing series, took our own little detours here and there.”

Image Credit: youtube.com

Coming soon, for you

This being said it will be very interesting to watch what this new thriller will bring. As both the end of the movie and the book are slightly different. So as Thorpe said they had taken certain “liberties,” what will happen? and will they have a different ending on the show?

The show will premiere on Spike on June 22nd. Literally appearing a decade after Darabont’s 2007 film based on the book.

Image Credit: youtube.com
Luis Farage: