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What Men Need To Know About Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Mostly, men will start losing their testosterone levels once they click 35 years. Some will lose it earlier due to some underlying conditions. Testosterone replacement therapy helps to combat the side effects brought by the lack of these hormones. While the treatment looks promising, there are many misconceptions about how it works and the benefits. While it can seem like an anti-aging therapy for individuals with decreasing testosterone levels, there might be more benefits than perceived. This article will outline some facts about testosterone replacement therapy and how it can help you. Read on to find out more.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterones are active male hormones that are produced in the testicles for various functions in the body. Some of the benefits of this hormone in the male’s body include; fat distribution, bone density, facial and body hair, sex drive, sperm production, muscle growth, and red blood cells production. These hormones are quite active during the adolescent stage, and they happen to decrease as one age. It is essential to monitor your levels and find ways to maintain them through testosterone therapy.

Other than aging, some underlying conditions, including hypogonadism, can cause a gradual loss of testosterone levels. The disease reduces the production of the hormone due to issues with the testicles. The problem can also arise from the pituitary glands, which control the function of the testicles. As seen on this site, https://atlantamensclinic.com, testosterone replacement therapy uses gels, injections, or pellets to boost testosterone levels. It also reduces the signs and symptoms of having lower testosterone hormones in men.

What are the signs of lower testosterone levels?

Not all men with low testosterone levels have aging signs. Some can have a youthful look but with lower hormones. Signs that will prove you are suffering from lower testosterone levels include:

  • Sexual function changes: Any man with lower testosterone hormones will suffer a change in their sexual function. The man will suffer from weak penile erections, infertility, and lower sexual desires. Some will even fail to rise on occasion.
  • Physical changes: men who suffer from lower testosterone levels may accumulate more fat in their body, have weaker bones, and have reduced muscle bulkiness. Others will undergo body hair loss while others record swollen or tender breasts. There are also high chances of the body losing its energy.
  • Emotional Changes: With low testosterone, you might suffer from lower self-esteem, decreased motivation, and lack of self-confidence. Others will feel stressed, depressed, or with concentration issues.

Not all of the above issues are caused by a lack of testosterone. It is advisable to seek medical help to understand the exact cause before opting for testosterone replacement therapy. Other causes are diseases such as diabetes, sleep apnea, thyroid problems, and some medication effects. Your doctor will do a blood test to come up with a clear conclusion.

Does Testosterone Therapy promote vitality and youthfulness?

While the therapy can reverse the effects caused by hypogonadism, it doesn’t make anyone younger. However, many men who have taken this replacement therapy have recorded an increase in their bodies’ strength and some youthfulness benefits. It helps to improve their sexual function, energy, and vitality. This only happens when you take the right therapy and as recommended. There is still research going on to determine the benefits of this testosterone replacement therapy.

Does Testosterone therapy have effects on normal aging?

It is highly recommended to seek doctors’ advice when taking testosterone replacement therapy. Some aging individuals will have side effects when taking this therapy. Some of the risks include the below:

  • Sleep Apnea: If suffering from sleep apnea, the condition might worsen upon taking this therapy.
  • skin rashes and acne
  • Growth of noncancerous cells and the development of existing prostate cancer.
  • Accumulation of fat and enlargement of breasts
  • Shrinking testicles and lower sperm count
  • Increase red blood cells, which might form a blood clot. This situation can cause severe issues in the bloodstream.
  • Increased risks of heart disease from individuals suffering from underlying conditions.

Before taking any therapy, you will have to undergo blood sampling and have the above aging issues checked.

Should you talk to a doctor before taking testosterone therapy?

If you feel you need testosterone replacement therapy, it is essential to discuss the same with your doctor or therapist to decide if it’s right. The specialist will carry some tests to determine your levels and what you need to boost them.

Testosterone replacement therapy is the best remedy for individuals who have lower testosterone. Anyone who is at a youthful stage and suffers from a lack of testosterone needs to contact the therapists to check their condition. They will then be given the right doses to improve the situation and enjoy their everyday life again. If the condition is through natural aging, the specialist will suggest other means, including losing weight to boost testosterone levels.

Pablo Luna: