Categories: Tech

How to Maximise your Gadgets Battery Life

In a world so connected, making sure our gadgets are always operating at full capacity is often high on the agenda.

Whether it’s for personal use or for work purposes, you probably haven’t let your phone, tablet or laptop run out of battery for quite some time. However, while you’re ensuring your device is well-charged, this may not always be good for it, as there are lots of habits that can ruin the battery of particular device.

Although there are lots of companies out there working hard to make batteries the best they can through energy manipulation such as Schneider Electric, there are things you can do yourself in our digital economy.

Below we’ve highlighted three ways you can safeguard your batteries in the switched-on world around us.

Optimal Charing Time

Firstly, let’s talk charging times. No doubt, you want to ensure your phone, laptop or tablet always has some power. Because of this, you’re probably close to a charger at all times. However, one thing you shouldn’t do is use the device until the battery goes to 10% or below. Instead, the optimal charging time is between 40% and 70% when using a device powered by a Li-Ion battery. It also helps to go for short charging bursts throughout the day too.

If you aren’t using the device and keep it in storage for most of the year, don’t let it go flat. Saying that you shouldn’t keep it fully charged either. Instead, keep it at around 50% and store in a cool, dry place, bringing it out to re-charge to 50% every six months or so. This will help to reduce the ageing effect and maintain battery life.


You may not know this, but devices can be susceptible to temperatures. It’s particularly important to avoid using your phone in temperatures of 35°C or more, as this can permanently damage the battery’s capacity. Charging the device in high temperatures can also damage the battery too. The ideal comfort zone for a device’s battery is between 16°C and 22°C.

If you charge your phone throughout the night, you’ll also need to be wary of high temperatures; especially if you have a case. This is because the heat being generated needs an exit vent, which can’t happen when a case is in play.


Finally, make sure you take care to clean the item you’re using. Laptops, in particular, can be susceptible to dust, especially if used in a dusty room quite regularly. If done over a long period of time the inside can become coated in dust, restricting the air flow through the device resulting in the temperature rising above normal, and affecting the battery life. You can tackle this by using compressed air to blow into any openings to clear the dust.

Pablo Luna: