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Main Causes of Environmental Change and How Every Individual Can Help

Daria Shevtsova

It is no secret that our planet is facing major changes, which result in Global Warming. This environmental change occurs naturally as part of Earth’s cycle; however, the human species plays a massive role in speeding up the process and making it much worse. It is easy to ignore our own behaviors and assume that we do not make much difference to the environment. However, if everyone adopts this frame of mind, the environment will suffer greatly as will all all-living creatures.

If you want to make a difference to the planet, rest assured that there is a lot that you can do as one individual, and even though it may not feel like it, every small action can make a big difference. It is also important to understand more about environmental changes so you know what actions to take. In this article, we will discuss the main causes of environmental change and how every individual can help.

What Causes Climate Change?

Greenhouse Gases and The Greenhouse Effect

The atmosphere is composed of different gases that trap heat and prevent it from being released into space. These are commonly known as greenhouse gases. Essentially, they create a warming barrier around our planet, which is a phenomenon designated ‘greenhouse effect’. Many of these gases occur naturally as parts of the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. However, there are certain types that are the sole result of human activity on the planet, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Although we need the greenhouse effect so that the Earth can maintain its temperature levels, the quick and sudden industrial expansion has resulted in a severe increase in the level of gases trapped in the atmosphere that are causing the atmosphere to heat up considerably.

Human Causes of Climate Change

Although climate change is a natural process for Earth, human beings have a direct cause in the increase of greenhouse gases released into the air. Certain behaviors by individuals have detrimental impacts on the environment and its stability. Deforestation is a greatly devastating process for the environment because, as you may be aware, trees act as the lungs of the Earth. They are able to clean the air and reduce carbon dioxide levels. As we destroy forests in order to build properties, evidently the air will be less clean, and more greenhouse gases will be in the atmosphere. Secondly,  Burning fossil fuels, like oil, gas, and coal have carbon dioxide, which has been in the ground for a very long time and these are taken out of the land and we burn them, great levels of carbon dioxide are released into the air.

What Can You Do?

Speak up

Not everyone is aware of the impacts they have on the planet. The experts at https://www.trvst.world/ suggest that if you understand how every individual is negatively impacting on the environmental change, you can change your own actions to start with – then you can attempt to educate those around you so that they too become aware of their own behaviour and start changing these. Great changes come from small steps taken by individuals looking to change the world we live in.

Use Natural Sources of Energy

Solar energy is a great natural source that more people should opt to go for in their homes, if possible. There is always the concern that solar energy will not be enough to provide you with the levels of energy that you need. However, this is not true at all. Solar energy relies on daylight rather than actual heat from the sun to function, thus being a reliable source of energy. This will not only be better for the environment, it will also cost you less money every month when your energy bill arrives.

Prepare For The Weather

Depending on where you live, your area could reach extreme levels of temperature that are simply not comfortable to live in for most human beings. The weather that is very hot in the Summer or severely cold in the Winter. Having additional measures, such as investing in HVAC systems, to maintain the temperature levels in the home in these extreme cases is necessary. However, it is important that you find natural ways to keep the desired temperature levels in your home, such as properly isolating your property and blocking drafts from coming in, before you waste energy and affect the environment.

Reduce Water Waste

Not wasting water can actually have an impact on levels of carbon pollution that alter the environment. Although the planet is greatly made up of water, most of it is not drinkable and it requires specific treatment so that it can be clean of toxins and harmful bacteria by the time it gets to you. There is a lot of energy required to complete this process, so it is vital that you do not waste water in your daily activities. This includes taking showers instead of baths and making it quick and turning off the tap water when you brush your teeth. These are very simple steps that you can take in order to make a big impact on the planet overall.

The changes the environment is undergoing are becoming more visible by the day. It is important that we understand how our behavior impacts the environment and what steps to take in order to reduce negative environmental change.

Pablo Luna: