Categories: Music

Lana Del Rey Announces New Album ‘Lust For Life’ On This Super Cool Video

All We Know Is That’s ‘Coming Soon’

Music has always been one of the main and most important arts. As it can give us goosebumps and feelings like no other thing in this world. For that reason, music has been definitory to decades, generations, movies and even political movements.

All of this has granted musical artist great responsibilities. Since they are responsible for making us feel or think that way. Something that Lana del Rey seems to think in the trailer/communicate of her new album called “Lust for Life.”

Image Credit: youtube.com

Lust for Life

No, it isn’t an Iggy Pop reference in any way. Is the name of Lana Del Rey’s forthcoming album and one of the few things we know about it. The name, as Lana says, is about her love, and lust, she feels for the fans and for this life.

Lana caught everyone’s attention by posting this trailer promoting her new album. That she published via Twitter. But also since it has an odd vibe and things, doing a witchy black and white video. All in a very Del Rey fashion.

Hollywood’s magic

The clip has the characteristic cinematic of Del Rey. As it begins with her being a sort of witch that lives in the Hollywood’s sign H. As she speaks to us, the audience about her daily life and her “purpose” as an artist, while she comfort us due to the tumultuous political times.

Along with her protective mom-artistic message and the magic. This black and white video, besides her classical vintage style, reminds us a bit of the X-Files. With the mystery and the unknown being key elements. Despite being a trailer the video only says that the album is “coming soon.”

Love and Lust.

Of the few things we know about Lana Del Rey’s new album is the sound of it and that she has worked really hard on it. As Lana herself has said that she “started out thinking that the whole record was going to have sort of the ’50s, ’60s feeling, with some kind of Shangri-Las, early Joan Baez influences.” as she revealed she spent 15 months writing the material.

Also, the album is expected to have some collaborations. Especially from “the Weeknd” and “Miles Kennedy.” As they’ve all hinted in different interviews and because of Del Rey featured on “the Weekend’s” “Stargirl interlude.”

Image Credit: youtube.com

Lana is a witch.

The concept and theme of the witches for the promotional video, despite being weird, makes kind of sense. As Del Rey tweeted on February 23rd that she was participating on witchcraft against Donald Trump. So it seems this is a topic Lana is into now.

If you can’t wait to listen to new music from Lana, the only way we can help you is by giving you her “Love” video. Since it’s one of the tracks that will feature on the album. Whose opening has the same aesthetics than the promotional clip, and kind of the same message.

Source: pitchfork.com

Luis Farage: