The Justice League Movie Trailer Is Here And We Are Losing Our Cool

No Sight Of Superman But Lois Lane Appears

Superheroes are pretty cool and they’ve had a boom in recent years. Since they’ve jumped from the comic book’s pages to the movies on the silver screen. Making the endless rivalry between Marvel and DC even bigger.

As both have released tons of incredible movies. Marvel has also revealed their plans by hinting some of the aspects of “Avengers: Infinity Wars.” But it seems that DC have replied with their first trailer of “Justice League.”

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Justice for everybody

The first trailer of DC’s Justice League has been revealed. Showing us some of the greatest heroes of the world getting together to protect the world from an upcoming alien invasion and intergalactic war. As we see Batman, Aquaman, Wonderwoman, Flash and Cyborg teaming up.

The selection of heroes is quite interesting as Cyborg comes as a surprise for many. Also, why there is no Superman on the film? Despite that we see Amy Adam’s Lois Lane looking at the sky so we presume he is alive and has fixed up everything with Batman after their fighting movie.

Back and stronger

All these heroes previously featured on Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, but now they’re taking more protagonism. As we first saw how Cyborg was born on Dawn of Justice and now we see him at full power. Also, we see Aquaman joining the team, something he was previously skeptic about.

Along, that we watch Batman becoming more reckless with his weapons choice firing at everything in his sight along him developing a bit of a sense of humor. Maybe the answer for sarcastic Tony Stark? Who is also the leader of his team?

Image Credit: youtube.com

The story behind

The movie is expected to focus on the Mother Boxes. Which are powerful ancient technology from the ghastly Fourth World dimension, supervillain Darkseid is the ruler. The Atlanteans, the Amazonians and other early humans in ancient times are the ones who held the boxes.

It seems that Darkseid wants to recover those three existing Mother Boxes on Earth. As Darkseid’s evil lieutenant Steppenwolf to be the one in charge of that mission. To what we expect him to be the main bad guy of the movie.

Image Credit: youtube.com

DC’s Hope

Many fans, and probably the studio, have very high hopes for the movie. This will be hopefully the boost the DC universe needs. Since you know, “Batman vs Superman” and “Suicide Squad” were merciless criticized.

Justice League’s cast will include Ben Affleck as Batman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, Ezra Miller as the Flash and Ray Fisher as Cyborg. With any other upcoming surprise superhero. The movie will hit theaters on November 17th.

Image Credit: youtube.com

Source: Mashable.com

Luis Farage: