When The Comedian Becomes The One Who Is Being Bullied At A French Bizarre Show
Jonah Hill was heavily mocked during a TV show by a French weather girl with an oddly sexual fantasy.
This is what happened.
This is the French weather girl as she started the phony allegations.
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And Jonah is sitting there like; da f*ck is going on?
Image Credit: 9gag.com
Moreover, she started narrating her so claimed sexual fantasy.
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Now he knows he is in some serious danger.
Image Credit: 9gag.com
So the fantasy is; “we’d meet up in a hotel room at night, we would chat, you’d make me laugh, you’d make me laugh A LOT. And then all of the sudden you’d bring your friends, Di Caprio and Brad Pitt. And then you’d go away.”
Image Credit: 9gag.com
And he is there, quite speechless like; you got me there! And there is nothing I can do.