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How To Get More Engagement On Your Social Media Accounts

Social media marketing is currently on the rise, given its ability to reach thousands of users at once and compelling them to take action that can benefit the brand. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest attract millions of users every day. The key to succeeding on social media is to target your ideal customers and create engagement. With the right strategies and tips in place, you can attract the right customers and keep them in the loop. Over time, this can be extremely beneficial for your brand. Consider these tips for creating more engagement on your social media accounts and driving your brand towards success.

1. Hold Contests

Social media contests are one of the most effective strategies to create engagement and generate organic interaction. Basically, you ask your users to tag two to three people in the comments in exchange for a prize, which is usually a product or prize money given to one lucky winner based on a random draw. You can also ask your followers to repost your story or reshare the content with your brand’s hashtags. If you have a higher budget, ask your users to make fan art or create their own content to win a bigger and better prize. The contest should be fair and open to all.

2. Post More Often

To create engagement and establish interaction with your audience, you should keep posting valuable content at regular intervals. Typically, creating one post a day is recommended to hook your viewers. With this, your posts will also pop up in the ‘Explore’ feed more often and get noticed by potential customers. Redesign your content plan and post a mixture of videos, images, and texts.

3. Compel Your Users to Get More Likes

With more likes, comments, mentions, and click-throughs, you can create more engagement and strengthen your range of metrics. As suggested by social media enthusiasts at Social Proof, gaining more likes on every post can help your content reach more people and thereby become viral. This can be done by creating engaging content or subscribing to a service to get auto-likes. The more likes and comments you get, the higher number of times your post will be circulated. With this, your target audience can easily discover your brand and start engaging with your content.

4. Make Shareable and Valuable Content

Your posts should follow a consistent theme designed using your brand’s colors and elements. As soon as they visit your profile, they should be able to relate to your brand. Your content should not simply promote your brand but provide valuable information to your users. Consider your audience’s needs and pain points and address them in your posts. How can the users benefit from your content? If they find the information valuable, they will feel the urge to reshare it. Make sure that your content is shareable and easy to interpret. More importantly, consider your users’ needs and decipher the type of content they prefer to consume. The most common forms of content are videos, images, infographics, text, and GIFs.

5. Create a Conversation

By urging your users to take part in a conversation, you can keep the engagement intact. Post content asking your users about their day or their thoughts behind an upcoming product. This will strengthen interaction and help you understand your user’s needs and make necessary changes to your product before its launch date. A simple question as a Tweet or a QnA on Instagram can instigate your potential customers to answer and keep the conversation going. Show your brand’s brighter and human side by using visual elements like emoticons and GIFs when posing the questions as conversation kick-starters.

6. Use Additional Features

Stories on Instagram have additional features that let you post quizzes and Q&As to enhance interaction with your users and create more engagement. Designing surveys and polls are two other ways to compel your users to engage with your brand. You can also hire influencers to target a specific user group. Micro-influencers create engaging posts around your product and can compel their followers to visit your brand page with discount coupons and offers promoted by the bloggers. Hold live sessions with behind-the-scenes interviews and clippings of your office to portray your brand’s raw image. Many customers love authenticity and prefer to watch the human side and inner workings of a company.

If you are building an e-commerce website or planning to conduct your business online, creating engagement on your social media channels becomes even more important. At one point, your business will be governed by the level of engagement and interaction you can create on social media. With additional shopping tools and CTA buttons on some platforms, you can direct your users towards your online store and increase traffic on your website. Use the analytical tools and features on the social media platforms and integrate them into your marketing strategy to test your performance. Examine your engagement rates and make necessary changes to create more interaction.

Pablo Luna: