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How To Choose The Perfect Name For Your New Puppy

There’s nothing like introducing a new puppy into your home. It’s fun, it’s exciting, and it’s a challenge. One of the biggest challenges of buying a puppy is naming it. The name that you choose has to reflect a number of things, including its personality and the way that it looks. If you don’t choose the perfect name for your puppy, then you’ll definitely regret it. Once a dog’s learned its name, it can’t be changed.

In this article, you’ll find out precisely how you can choose the perfect name for your new puppy:

Breed of Dog

When you’re choosing a name for your dog, you need to take its breed into consideration. If your dog is a Goldendoodle for example, then you can browse this list of Goldendoodle names for male and female puppies. Some names suit specific breeds more than others. You wouldn’t typically call a German Shepherd ‘Fluffy’, would you? Nor would you call a Poodle ‘Hitman.’ Use the characteristics and qualities associated with your dog’s breed to help come up with a name for it.


Sometimes dogs respond to names that have a change of tone more than they do names that don’t. With this in mind, you should choose a name for your dog that ends with a vowel. Dogs distinguish frequency ranges at higher levels than we do, which means that you can get your dog’s attention more by including a vowel at the end of their name. As your tone ‘picks up’ toward the end of their name, you will instantly get their attention. They’ll also be more likely to remember their name if you include a vowel.

Two Syllables

There’s very little point in naming your dog something long. Long names are usually shortened anyway. Instead of naming your dog something long that nobody will call them, name them something that’s only two syllables. Two-syllable names are more comfortable to say. You won’t get bored or tired of saying them, and your dog’s name will stay the same.

Experts say that when you train a dog, you should only issue commands in two-syllable words. This is to make it as easy for your dog to understand as possible. The same goes for names. If you name your dog something long, there’s a chance that they won’t be able to remember their name.

Name Breakdown

If you do want to call your dog a long name, why not try to break it down into a nickname? A long name can be broken down into a multitude of different nicknames. These nicknames can then become your dog’s name. The nickname will still bear similarity to the original name. If you want, you can even call your dog the original, long name as their nickname.

Command Confusion

Try to avoid naming your dog something that sounds similar to trick or command that you have taught them. For example, if you name your dog ‘Paw’ but have trained them to give you their paw on command, every time you call them, they might start trying to shake your hand. Not only should you avoid naming your dog something that you have taught them as a trick or command, but you should avoid naming them anything that sounds even remotely similar. You don’t want there to be any confusion surrounding their name.

Negative Names

While you’re well within your right to call your dog something that could be perceived to be negative by other people, it’s usually something you should avoid. When you give your dog a name that’s perceived to be negative by other people, you can deter people from spending time with you and your dog. Remember that when you’re out at the park with your dog, you’ll have to summon them with their name. If it’s something that people don’t like, then you’ll get a lot of funny stares and confused looks.

Similar Names

You also need to avoid naming your dog a name similar to any of your other pets. If you name your dog a name that’s similar to one of your other pets, you’ll confuse them. When you call one, the other will come. You should give your pets distinct names. Calling them similar names can be very confusing and unfair.

Your Dog’s Personality

One of the best ways to come up with a name for your dog is to assess its personality. A dog’s personality can be a great way to pick its name. If they’re moody, then you could call them something like ‘Mr. Grumpy.’ Conversely, if they’re exceptionally happy, then you could call them ‘Bubbles’ on account of their bubbly personality. When you name your dog something relating to their personality, it’s much more intimate. The name isn’t just a filler name, and instead, is a real quality derived from them.

Your Dog’s Qualities

You can also name your dog something according to its qualities. If they’re very fluffy, then you can call them ‘Fluffy.’ Your dog’s qualities and looks should be one of the main influencers in what you call them. Naming your dog after one of its qualities is a very intimate way of naming your dog. It can also be very effective. If your dog has a single spot on its coat, then calling them ‘Spot’ is cute, funny, and appropriate. It will also help other people to remember and notice your dog.

Stick With Your Dog’s Name

Unfortunately, a lot of people choose a name for their dog one day and then change it the next. When you choose a name for your dog, stick with it. Try to avoid changing their name. You should also try to limit the number of nicknames that you give them. Changing your dog’s name can make your dog’s life very confusing. It’s a very unfair thing to do to your dog. By selecting a name and sticking with it, you create consistency in your dog’s life.

Choosing the perfect name for your puppy can be very difficult, but with this article, it should’ve just become a whole lot easier. Make sure you take great care when you choose your dog’s name – they’ll be stuck with it for life, so make it count.

Pablo Luna: