Categories: WOW

Anonymous Student Surprises School With Handmade Valentines That Have Been Made Since September

What A Cute Gesture!

A student surprised everybody in his school earlier this week with Valentine’s Day Cards. A sweet kid in Ohio decided to make everybody’s day and make them feel special with the cutest Valentine’s Day surprise.The whole thing was a top secret plan as the mastermind behind this cute act remains unknown. Whoever you are, you’re really something.

What a way to share some love!


Heart full of love.

No one left  Troy High School in Ohio, without a cute Valentine’s day surprise. An anonymous student filled peers’ lockers with origami hearts, that’s over 1500 hearts.

That’s right over 1500 lockers were decorated with the origami colorful surprise when a single student performed the cutest act of kindness and decided to remind everyone how special they are.

Principal Katherine Weaver talked about this student’s kindness, “To have someone so dedicated to every single person in this building — that’s just an amazing quality for anybody to have, especially a high school student.”

Image Credit: Bored Panda

Anonymous cupid.

According to a member staff, the student made this act a personal mission and started to work on the project since September. The anonymous cupid made the colorful origami hearts and stored them for 5 months to make the cutest Valentine’s Day surprise.

Principal Weaver knows who the anonymous cupid is since she knew all about the plan, and also saw a couple of friends prepping everything the night before Valentines. Weaver praised the efforts the student had for making everybody’s day special. She said “I can’t imagine the hours she spent doing it. I know she had a calendar to mark out how many she needed to make each day.”

Image Credit: Bored Panda

“You are love.”

The handwritten origamis read a simple yet thoughtful and strong message, “You are loved.” With these kind words, the student not only made everybody’s day but also filled the world with kindness and love.

This student proves the importance of love and caring for each other, and the huge impact of a single act of kindness over people.

Katherine Weaver said “When they did, it was amazing — after the first hearts were found, they all went to check if they had something on their locker to bring home. I know the student just really wanted to make sure everybody had something on Valentine’s Day and that they all felt part of a collective and felt they were loved.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

The lovely campaign was known all over the country.

Different schools all over the country woke up having Valentine’s Day surprises sponsored by students. Lockers had Valentine’s Day cards with empowering messages.

So proud of the youth and their huge hearts!

Image Credit: Twitter


Image Credit: Twitter


Image Credit: Twitter

Source: Bored Panda


Anais Gutierrez: