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How to Get Your Product Optimized for Amazon Searches

For your products to sell on Amazon, you need to understand its algorithm. Amazon’s algorithm works differently to Google’s or Bing’s in the way that results in the surface. Amazon, quite simply, has fewer ranking factors than with other types of SEO [search-engine optimization]. With fewer ranking factors, you may then be fooled into thinking that this makes Amazon easier to rank on, but that’s not the case at all. In fact, it can sometimes be a lot harder, especially if the market you are trying to penetrate is oversaturated with the competition

Additionally, if you are trying to analyze Amazon in the same way you would Google or a search engine, then you are making a big mistake, for Amazon is a platform designed for buying above all and not a search engine. In this article, we will offer you a few ways that you can have your product rank high on Amazon’s search listings.

Amazon’s Algorithm

Amazon’s algorithm is known among those familiar with it as A9. Amazon’s algorithm is hard to crack, the reason for this being that Amazon is the largest eCommerce website in the entire world, and because of this, Amazon cares only about selling products efficiently.

Amazon’s algorithm is transactional and comes down only to two things, which are relevance, and performance. It can be difficult to stay relevant and perform well, for you will have a lot of competition who may offer more deals than you do or may act in a way as to drive you out of business. However, according to the SEO experts over at infinitefba.com/helium-10-vs-jungle-scout/, it is important that you monitor your competition closely, and that you analyze the sales volume of their products so that you can stay on top of them and remain one foot ahead. Digression aside, back to Amazon’s algorithm. If you optimize your page for relevance and performance, you will be able to sell more on Amazon and draw more traffic to your page. Here is more information on both of them:


Product’s Name

You can, thankfully, influence the relevance ranking factors through strategic keyword placement, which is similar to traditional forms of SEO. You can do this by strategically naming your product. Your product’s title will have a significant bearing on how your product shows up in search listings. Your title should contain a keyword that is as relevant as possible to your product. Here’s how you can improve your product’s name:

  • Include the name of your brand in the title;
  • Mention specific materials, ingredients, or items involved in the production process;
  • Highlight the color of the item or give the option for many;
  • Mention the quantity available [if that is at all possible];
  • Make clear the size and dimension of your product;
  • Include a description of what your product is and what its intended purpose is.

However, avoid stuffing your title with keywords, as that will prevent you from ranking high on Amazon’s search listings. Keyword stuffing runs the risk of creating a title that makes very little sense, which can be annoying, hard to read, and a deterrent from wanting to shop with you. Creating long titles, which are hard to read, can have a very negative impact on your click-through rate.

Seller’s Name

Your selling name has an impact on your click-through rate and your relevance as a ranked Amazon seller. Marketing experts have highlighted that they can have specific products rank higher than others organically simply by including a keyword within the product seller’s name. This is a little-known trick, which is reflected by the fact that many sellers have names not at all pertinent to their products.


Product Price

The price of your product will impact where you show up in the search listings considerably. You will want to price competitively, for if you price competitively compared to other sellers and other websites, your conversation rate will be impacted positively, whereas, if you price higher than others, it will be negatively impacted.

Conversion Rate

Your product’s conversation rate is linked with the price of your products and is a highly significant factor in your performance on the search listings. It is difficult to learn how to compare your conversation rate, as you do not have access to Amazon’s private analytics, which therefore makes everything more difficult. The closest you can get to a conversion rate is by checking the seller central’s retail sales page, which will tell you the unit session percentage.

Now, with this article, you know how you can improve your product’s rankings on Amazon’s search listings. It can be difficult, and it can take a while, but with perseverance, you can succeed. Selling on Amazon can help you become financially independent, so never give up.

Pablo Luna: