Categories: Editorial

Facts About Distracted Driving You Must Know

Distracted and negligent drivers account for a large number of road deaths every single year. If you yourself drive negligently or frequently find yourself distracted when on the road, then it is important that you read this article in its entirety. It is important, also, that you begin to drive sensibly, and pay attention when on the road. When driving, one small mistake can cost lives [your own included] – if you do not begin to drive cautiously and carefully, you may well find yourself the victim of a car accident or being held accountable for one in court.

This page will hope to tell you a few facts about distracted driving that you need to know. By the end of this page, we hope you are shocked enough to realize that you can never drive without paying attention or driving negligently again.

Here are some facts about distracted driving that you need to know.

You, Will, Go to Court

If you are caught driving negligently, irresponsibly, or just not paying any attention at the wheel [using your phone, etc.] and you are caught, you will be punished, and in all likelihood, will end up in court. And not only are you likely to go to court and be punished but additionally, according to the people at Tate Law Offices, you can suffer serious injuries should your negligence lead to a car accident. The punishments for driving recklessly are severe and can range from a substantial fine to community service, and even to imprisonment. The consequences of negligent driving are not worth it. In our modern, digital generation, people find it very difficult to concentrate on anything that is not a smartphone or electronic device, but when behind the wheel, it is important you forsake your digital devices and focus on the road.

You Could Lose Your Life

Negligent driving is no joke. One slip of the wheel can cost you your life. This is what many fail to understand when it comes to reckless driving. The consequences can be absolutely severe. Life is a precious thing, and you only get one. If you do not preserve your life and the lives of others when on the road, you do not deserve to have a driver’s license. Fortunately, it is never too late to change, and if you are reading this, we hope the following statistics will show you why you should always pay attention to the road:


  • Each year, there are over two million people in the United States involved in accidents. The population of the United States is only three hundred and twenty-eight million people. That is a staggeringly high number of accidents when we compare it to the overall population.
  • Thirty-seven thousand people at the very least die yearly in vehicle accidents in the United States. That averages at around three hundred a day, every single day of the year. That is a shocking number of people, and what’s to say that you won’t be a statistic if you continue driving negligently?
  • Additionally, we see over four-hundred thousand people injured in car accidents yearly which involve distracted drivers.
  • Three hundred and thirty thousand accidents are caused by texting drivers every year, most of these are very serious, with many seriously injured.
  • One in four accidents in the United States is caused by texting drivers.
  • When you are texting while driving, you are nearly six times more likely to cause and have an accident than a drunk driver is, which means it is safer for someone to drive paralytically drunk than to drive while texting [WE DO NOT CONDONE DRUNK DRIVING, NOR SHOULD YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. IT’S DANGEROUS AND KILLS PEOPLE].
  • On average, a person takes around three seconds to think about their text message and send it. Three seconds is a lot of time, and in three seconds a lot can happen. Life can be taken and life can be changed irrevocably. Additionally, a text message distracts you for, on average, five seconds every single time you read one, meaning your chances of an accident go up massively every time you drive and text.
  • In the United States, a vehicle’s average speed is fifty-five miles per hour. If you were to take your eyes off of the road when driving for just five seconds, your vehicle would travel the length of a football field without you having looked at the road. A lot can happen in five seconds, and many things can get on the road. It is a scary thought.

Now, with the help of this page, you should know the stupidity that is negligent and reckless driving. You should hopefully never drive recklessly again. We hope that this page helped you and that you understand the consequences and the severity of driving while distracted.

Pablo Luna: