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Everyday Good Habits to Pick Up That Will Conserve Energy in Your Home

It’s no secret that our world is going through many changes. The melting of the polar ice caps and the rising sea levels all contribute to the environmental crisis called climate change.

What causes climate change?

Well, one of the main causes is greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect but those are from natural happenings from within the Earth’s atmosphere. A major contributor to climate change is us. The daily habits and choices we make play a crucial role as to why our environment is in the condition that it’s in now.

Fortunately, we can recover from it and start adopting new habits that will not only conserve energy in our homes but will also positively impact the environment as well. If you want to do your part in helping better the environment, a great place to start will be by adopting these daily habits at home.

Energy-Efficient Habits to Adopt to Conserve Energy in Your Home

Air Dry Your Clothes When Possible

After washing your clothes, try letting them air dry for once. This will not only save on your home’s energy consumption and lower your electric bill but it will also extend the life of your clothes as well.

Keep Your Blinds Closed

During those hot summer months, your home can turn into a sauna when you leave your blinds open, causing your air conditioner to work in overdrive. Instead of running your cooling system ragged, keep your blinds closed during the day to keep the heat from coming in your home and to keep your home’s interiors cool.

Power Your Home With Green Energy

Homes are traditionally powered with electricity generated from fossil fuels, which does considerable damage to our environment. Consider switching to green renewable energy to not only cut your electric bill in half but also do a great bit of good for the environment as well.

Turn the Water Off While Brushing Your Teeth

When brushing your teeth, you only need the water on to wet your toothbrush before brushing and to rinse it off after brushing; There’s absolutely no need to leave the water on while you’re brushing… that’s just wasting water.

Change the Direction of Your Ceiling Fans

In the hot summer months, remember to turn the direction of your ceiling fans clockwise so that the fan will spin to pull heat upwards and push the cool air down. When the winter months hit, reverse the direction of the fan so that it will spin counterclockwise pulling the cool air up and pushing the warm air down. Doing this eliminates the need to turn on your heating and cooling unit.

Unplug Small Appliances and Electronics When You’re Not Using Them

You may not realize this but when you’re not using your phone charger or coffee machine, and they’re still plugged in, they’re still using up energy in your home. So always remember to unplug your phone or laptop when it’s not in use. This will not only save on your electric bill but it will also improve the battery life of your electronics.

Pablo Luna: