These memes show us that drunk people are the best type of people. There’s something about them that just makes them awesome. Maybe is the way they appreciate everything around them or the fact that they do the funniest things ever.
Drunks simply have the best, funniest and sometimes weirdest ideas, and the courage to pursue them. And yes, that includes drunk texting. Whether you are one, or you¿re just watching a drunk person you know you’re about to witness something incredibly funny or awesome.
10. They’re super thoughtful.
Drunks always surprise themselves, as well as others.
9. They don’t know the meaning of the word impossible.
Yeah, their minds know no limits. Otherwise, how would they even come up with charging a candy bar?
8. Imagination gets the best of them.
Like, they get really creative and make sure to make everybody knows they’re creative geniuses.
7. They’re strong independent individuals.
Drunks follow their own rules and have no fear to express their feelings.
6. They’ve got their priorities in order.
Most of all, they get the job done!
5. They encourage themselves to achieve things.
They don’t need anybody else to root for them.
4. They’re incredible geniuses.
I wish I had this type of ideas when I’m drunk.
3. They speak their minds.
Without fear, just say it!
2. They’re real entrepreneurs.
They simply do the most awesome things ever.
1. They trick everybody, even themselves.
And they get away with it.