Categories: Editorial

Cozy Without the Clutter: 6 Easy Ways to Make Your Apartment Feel More Inviting

Apartments can sometimes feel bland and uninviting, especially if they’re cramped or cluttered. If you’re keen to find that lush sensation of hygge (or learn what the word means), you’re in the right place. We’re here to help with six easy ways to make your apartment feel more inviting.

1. Thin It Out

Yes, you’ve guessed it – you have to get rid of some of the stuff you’re drowning in before your apartment can feel inviting. Get rid of any cookware sets, mugs, blankets, sheets, and clutter you don’t use. Additionally, consider popping your seasonal stuff into some cheap self-storage to clear even more space.

2. Harness Hygge

We mentioned hygge (pronounced hoo-gah) above, and that is because the very meaning of it is to feel cozy, comfortable, and thoroughly content. To bring this lush sensation into your apartment, add social corners, cozy areas for reading or snuggling, natural viewing spots for the garden – anything that encourages special time alone or with others.

3. Feng Shui Your Entry

The principles of Feng Shui are thousands of years old, so they must be worth paying attention to, right? Feng Shui principles say that the front door is the “mouth of the chi” – the place where energy enters your home. That means it needs to be bright, beautiful, and uncluttered if you want to get those good vibes flowing.

4. Play With Scent

Studies show that scent, emotions, and memories are all connected, and you can utilize this to create an inviting “scent-scape” for your apartment. Start by using scents you connect to certain feelings. For example, mint might make you feel more awake and refreshed so you could use it in the bathroom. If vanilla makes you feel cozy and relaxed, you may wish to use it in your reading nook or bedroom.

From here, take some time to learn about how different scents can impact the human body, and experiment with new scent-scapes. Citrus, for example, has all kinds of benefits, including being stimulating and helping to elevate mood, so it’s great for morning routines and washing areas.

“Scent-scaping” is a great way to add an extra layer of well-being and joy to your apartment beyond what can be seen and touched.

5. Get Planty

Unless you’ve been living underground (and with the way the world is at the moment, we wouldn’t blame you), you must have seen household jungles sprouting up everywhere across the world. People are houseplant mad, adorning their homes with greenery for the aesthetic and immersive aspects of nurturing nature at home.

As a bonus, you can enjoy plenty of health benefits from cohabiting with plants. For example, did you know having houseplants in your home can reduce stress and boost your productivity? So, to create a more inviting feel to your apartment, get plenty!

6. Color Your Place Cozy

Color is used in business and marketing all the time. It’s an instant way to signal certain things to customers, encourage people to buy, and enhance brand image. You can use color in your home in a similar way to make it more inviting. Greens, for example, are earthy, grounded, and fresh. Meanwhile, yellows are warm, friendly, and optimistic.

Don’t be afraid to play with color, perhaps with soft furnishings first as they’re more non-committal). Once you’re comfortable, you can branch out into paint and tiles.

Hopefully, the above information has you feeling a little more confident about creating the perfect apartment haven moving forward. We look forward to our invitation to your new space!

Pablo Luna: