Differences Between The Old Beauty And The Beast Vs. The New One

Side By Side Comparisons Between The Two Movies

Beauty and the Beast (2017) The Beast (Dan Stevens) and Belle (Emma Watson) in the castle library

Disney revealed on Monday the final trailer of the upcoming movie Beauty and the Beast. The live version features Emma Watson as Belle and Dan Stevens as the Beast. It also has a dope soundtrack with John Legend and Ariana Grande covering “Tale as old as time.”

In the final trailer, we got to see some of the objects from the magic castle and more details of the upcoming film. To be honest the remake looks almost identical to the original movie. We leave you with a comparison from the animated 1991’s film and the new scenes of the live movie.


10. Belle in the classic white and blue dress leaving her house.

The house is just as charming as the one in the animated film.

Image Credit:YouTube

9. Belle reading a book and enjoying it because that’s just how she is.

Emma totally delivers that Belle scene in the remake movie.

Image Credit: YouTube

8. Gaston looking at his reflection in the mirror, because that’s just how dull he is.

Luke Evans was the perfect casting for the Gaston role, just look at him.

Image Credit: Youtube

7. Belle trying to rescue her father.

This scene is really similar to the one in the animated movie, also we got to see Belle’s father.

Image Credit: YouTube

6. Then we have Lumiere!

The final trailer reveals some characters we haven’t seen. Such as Lumiere, which is voiced by Ewan McGregor.

Image Credit: YouTube

5. Le Foul having fun.

Gaston’s sidekick is played by Josh Gad. Just look at the similarities.

Image Credit:YouTube

4. Adorable Chip.

I find hard to believe that this is pure animation, it looks like magic.

Image Credit:YouTube

3. Let’s get this party started!

The musical numbers look even cooler than the original one.

Image Credit: YouTube

2.  Soo accurate.

The live movie is bound to deliver big time. Even the costumes are incredibly similar.

Image Credit:YouTube

1. The most expected scene, the ball.

This is too much to handle, can’t wait to watch it!

Image Credit: YouTube


Source: 9gag

Anais Gutierrez: