Categories: Funny

BBC Inspired Video Shows A Hilarious Darth Vader Being Interrupted By R2D2 [VIDEO]

Honestly, The Original Video Kills Me But The Parodies Are 100 Times Better

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The epic BBC interview interrupted by children got its parody and it’s stellar.  The parody was uploaded on Youtube on Wednesday, the characters are none others than Darth Vader, R2-D2, and BB-8.

We’re not ready to let the original video go yet, and thanks to this funny parody we don’t have to…just yet. For being the Empire’s most terrifying father, Darth Vader really keeps it together.

Cute robots interrupt Darth Vader interview

The Youtube channel Jack of All Genius brought the funniest parody of the infamous BBC interview. Darth is discussing his thoughts about rebellion when two droids appear and interrupt him.

In the video, we can also see Princess Leia all planned in the same way that the actual BBC interview. The clip already has over 600k views.

Epic BBC interview

Unless you live under a rock you’ve seen the infamous BBC interview featuring a father, Professor Robert Kelly, being interrupted by his adorable children.

In the original video, Kelly is interrupted by his children and at some point, his wife comes in and takes them away. The video has gone viral because the whole situation is simply too funny.

The Empire’s most terrifying father.

Of all of the infamous interview’s parodies this is by far the best, and to be honest is simply because it features the coolest cast, Star Wars members.

Darth Vader is in the middle in the interview talking about the rebellion with a hooded Sith figure. All of the sudden Darth Vader is interrupted by R2-D2, who’s clearly Kelly’s oldest child, and followed by BB-8.

Via YouTube

Even better than the original

The only thing missing in the parody is Darth firmly pushing away his oldest child just like Kelly did.  To make things even funnier Princess Leia shows up to take the children away, just like Kelly’s wife, Kim Jung-A .

Via YouTube

Funny Youtube content.

The original video has over 20 million views in just seven days. The parodied version already has over 600k views and was created by Jack of All Genius, a channel that uploads parodies and funny videos on Youtube.

Via YouTube

Source: Mashable

Anais Gutierrez: