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Alternative Modern Burial Ideas You Should Know of

We are all concerned about how we can impact the world while we are still alive. But rarely do we think about what we can do for the world when we are dead. While cremation and traditional burials are the leading ways of disposition, there are other modern ways that one can opt for if they want to give back to society. Let us take a look at some alternative burial ideas one should know of in modern society.

1. Go Green

The 21st century has been largely characterized by campaigns to adopt eco-friendly ways of living. This has been extended to burials and funerals. Going green in burials refers to the situations where one foregoes the traditional burial attempts of preserving the body. Foregoing embalming during burials is the main idea behind this particular burial method. Allowing the body to undergo natural decompositions greatly benefits the environment and is a natural burial method. In case you are looking for a way to impact the environment after you are dead, you can opt into this burial method.

2. Rest At Sea

This method was used originally for those who died while at sea. It was common among the navy and those who happen to die while at sea. Today, however, this method has gained a lot of popularity for those who feel a connection to the sea or want an eco-friendly burial option. This method is usually common among those who have spent most of their lives in the sea. In this method, the body is put into a biodegradable weighted shroud and then released into the sea. This method is a bit costly due to the need to get the biodegradable casket and hire a boat to get the body to the final resting place in the sea.

Many people also opt for cremation, which involves burning the body into ashes and then retaining some of these ashes in an urn. As seen at greenmeadowmemorials.com/, there are several types of containers for the remnants of the dead. Some of these include keepsake, photo, wooden, and themed urns. Once the loved one of the deceased finds closure, they often dispose of the ashes in the sea or a place of their liking.

3. Liquify Yourself

While cremation has been the most common way of getting rid of a body by reducing its mass, today, it is possible to liquify yourself through alkaline hydrolysis. When a body is buried normally, it sometimes takes years to break down. The alkaline hydrolysis process usually hastens this process and lets it take a few hours instead of years. It usually involves submerging a body in a heated alkali solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH). The solution is responsible for hastening the breakdown process. This method is seen as a greener alternative since it uses a fraction of cremation’s energy.

4. Contribute To Modern Medicine

You can decide to contribute to medical training and research. Instead of disposing of a body, you can have it donated to medical schools as a cadaver. These donated cadavers are used by students to learn anatomy and surgery before they can be allowed to operate on living people. This method allows you to give back to society even though one is dead. The medical schools usually cover the transportation costs, and after they are done using the cadaver for studies, they cremate it. This is usually one of the most affordable methods of disposition.

5. Fight Crime

Burial is usually a good way to bid our dead loved one’s farewell. At times you can opt to have your loved contribution to a certain institution in the society that can help make the world a safer place. For example, you can have the body donated to a forensic research facility to help teach forensic students certain body decomposition factors that are essential in evaluating crime scenes. Like giving your body to a medical school, giving the body to a forensic research facility, they cover transportation and disposition costs.

6. Plastination

Believe it or not, there is a way that you can live being a plastic-like body even after living and breathing like a human being. The plastination process involves the removal of all body fluids from the corpse and sucking it dry. The body is then preserved in such a way that it doesn’t decay. Depending on your wishes, this body can be used for many purposes, from educational to art.

Besides the traditional burial methods that we are used to, you can decide to try something new. Depending on your choice or that of your loved one, there are many burial options out there that you may not have heard of. The above are just a few of the disposition methods present in the modern world.

Pablo Luna: