Categories: WOW

This Guy Has 9 Furry Friends Because He Can’t Stop Adopting Rescue Animals

He’s Living The Dream

Everybody loves animals. They’re fuzzy, loving and dorky or a bit evil, depending on what you like the most. So imagine if you can fill your house with all the furry little guys you fall in love with.

It might sound like a fantasy, especially when you’re a kid and want to have dogs, cats, hamsters, giraffes and so on.  But this guy from L.A. has turned this little dream we all have had in our life into a reality.

Image Credit: Lee Asher

Meet Lee and his furry family.

Lee Asher is an average guy from L.A. who loves exercise and outdoors. But there’s another thing that he loves more than all of that and that’s animals. As he has a big pet family that consist of 9 furry members, composed by 7 dogs and 2 cats. All of them are rescued animals, but it doesn’t stop there. Since Asher has also rescued 16 other pets.

Mots of his pet family are “foster fails,” but luckily for them thy found Asher. Since he has taken care of them since them, and help them recover from some terrible backgrounds and health situations. Their names are Yaffa, Molly, Cali, Bo Bo, Butters, Haven and Lillie, and the cats are called Whiskey and Goose.

Image Credit: Lee Asher

His animal spirit.

Ever since he was a little kid he knew that animals were going to be an important part of his life and that he was destined to help them. As he used to spend a lot of time as a volunteer in a shelter while he was growing up. Learning all the skills, perks and information about the rescue process.

“I always knew that when I was older I would have a house filled with rescues, so seeing where I am now isn’t much of a surprise to me or anyone who knew me growing up. The inspiration just comes from loving dogs and knowing that you are not only saving a life but when rescuing a dog you are allowing the space for other rescues to possibly get adopted too. It’s a win-win and a beautiful feeling.”

Image Credit: Lee Asher

Old and strong enough to help.

Once Lee was old enough to live on his own he started fostering every dog he could find. Having the particular skill to pick the ones who needed him the most. Getting in that way his lovely and fuzzy family. But mostly the pets find him, as he got Molly from a Florida trip with his mom and Heaven when his ex-girlfriend visited her parents at Texas. Creating an even more diverse pet family.

Asher loves all the furry guys equally, as he treats them more like friends than pets. As he has a different relationship with each one and values all of their individualities.”I usually bring two to three dogs with me wherever I go. Sometimes I feel like one will need alone time so I’ll just bring that one. I see a big difference in their behavior when they get to spend the day with me alone. They really love it. It’s constant entertainment and I’m very grateful to have a home filled with so much love and dog fur.” Asher said.

Image Credit: Lee Asher

Source: Boredpanda.com

Luis Farage: