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6 Things You Need To Know Before Learning To Drive A Car

Across the world, hundreds of thousands of people, perhaps millions, have eagerly been anticipating social distancing and lockdowns being reduced so that they can take their driving lessons and get on the road. In the meantime, we recommend that you do as much research as you can so that, when you do get in a car, you aren’t surprised, and you can be as safe as possible. There are a few things, we think, that you should know before learning to drive a car.

In this article, we are going to tell you six things that we think you need to know before you learn to drive a car. Learning to drive a car, you must know, is not easy, and requires a lot of practice, even if just to learn the rules of road safety.

Here are six things you need to know before learning to drive a car.


Nerves, understandably, will run high the first time you get behind the wheel. This, however, is not something to worry yourself sick about – you will understandably be nervous, and the driving specialists from https://www.l-team-driving.co.uk/ say that your driving instructor should accommodate this and work around you. Try not to worry too much before you get in a car for the first time; you will have a trained driving instructor with you who has led lessons thousands of times. You are, we assure you, in safe hands, so relax.


With the pandemic taken into consideration, you will have to wear PPE (‘personal-protective equipment’). This is to ensure your safety and the safety of your instructor. If you do not want to wear PPE, you may have a hard time finding an instructor to take you out, unless you do have a good reason for not wanting to wear PPE. You may have to wear gloves and will have to wear a mask. PPE is very important, so do not overlook it. Your lesson may not go ahead if you do not arrive with the appropriate equipment before your lesson.


When you do first set out in a car, you will need to take safety very seriously. Driving, providing that you are safe, is not anything to worry about. Safety, however, is paramount. If you are not safe, then you will risk your and your driving instructor’s lives and will likely have your lessons terminated. You will need to be as safe as possible when behind the wheel of the car – do not get cocky and carried away – this is a quick way to have your lesson canceled and to get banned from your driving school.


You must listen to everything that your instructor says. A problem many young people have when they set out in a car for the first time is that they do not listen. Listen carefully and do not ignore your instructor. Your instructor is there to teach you to drive safely so that you do not injure yourself or anybody else on the road, so if you do not listen to them, you are doing yourself a great injustice and just, in the end, will put yourself in danger. Listen, do not think you know best, and follow everything that your instructor says to you.

Pay Attention

When on the road, you need to pay attention to the cars that are around you. If you do not pay attention to what is going on around you, you risk potentially injuring other road users and even yourself. Paying attention to what’s going on around you is fundamentally important and is the only way that you can truly hit the road and stay safe. Check your mirrors, look at other vehicles, and get a feel for the road. Watch cars that you feel are driving irresponsibly and adapt to the road that you are driving on – every road is different.

Slow Down!

The first thing most people do when they get behind the wheel of a car is to drive as fast as they can. Instead, you should slow down! You do not want to drive irresponsibly and recklessly the first time you are manning a car. If you do, you will quickly find that you put yourself, and others, in great danger, and the potential for things to go wrong increases drastically. Slow down and drive responsibly. If you do drive recklessly, your instructor will likely cut the engine (they can do that!) and kick you out of the car.

Driving for the first time is a great responsibility, and because of that, you must drive carefully and mustn’t put yourself (or your instructor) in danger. Thank you for reading the article we have brought you today and good luck on the road!

Pablo Luna: