Categories: WOW

25 Things That Will Change How You See Food, #11 Is Impressive

I’m Hungry Already

We all love eating and enjoying our favorite dishes. Maybe you’re into healthy food and taking care of the way you nourish yourself, or maybe you’re just a junk food addict and love everything about it, but the thing is that everybody loves food. And no wonder why!

So, it’s interesting to know new facts about food. And truth is there’s a lot to find out about food! If you think that you know everything about the food you eat every day, you’re wrong. You’ll be shocked when you discover some interesting facts about “McDonald’s” or ketchup. Maybe the origin of some vegetables or fruits make you stop eating it, or perhaps it will make you love it. Let’s see.

25. A fun fact about berries!

Did you know that a strawberry isn’t a berry but a banana is?

Image Credit: www.uniquebitsofknowledge.wordpress.com

24. Medicine is everywhere!

In the 1830s, Ketchup used to be sold as medicine. Some people believed that ketchup was capable to cure some diseases.

Image Credit: www.fp.reverso.net

23. Would you eat a purple carrot?

If your answer was no, you should know that carrots were originally purple.

Image credit: www.carrotmuseum.co.uk

22. How many hamburgers do you think that McDonald’s sells every day?

1,000? 2,000? Well, McDonald’s sells 75 hamburgers every second of every day. Yes, every second!

Image credit: www.nydailynews.com

21. So sweet potatoes and yams are the same thing, right?

Everybody thinks that yams and sweet potatoes are the same thing but with a different name, but that´s not right. Yams and sweet potatoes are not the same thing.

Image credit: www.thekitchn.com

20. Do you know how many rows have an ear of corn?

There is not an exactly number, but in average, an ear of corn has an even number of rows, usually 16.

Image credit: www.wonderopolis.org

19. We are not so different from bananas.

How much do you look like a banana? Well, you’ll be surprised with this information. Humans share 50% of their DNA with bananas.

Image credit: www.scientificamerican.com

18. A little fact about peanuts.

If you think that peanuts are nuts, you’re wrong. They grow in the ground just like this, so they are legumes

Image credit: www.fairtradeusa.org

17. Let’s eat honey as Winnie Pooh does.

Honey never spoils. Now, I understand why Winnie Pooh eats honey all day long.

Image credit: www.fairtradeusa.org

16. Now we can play with cranberries.

Ripe cranberries will bounce like rubber balls. If you don’t a have ball to play and you have cranberries. You just have to wait a little.

Image credit: www.lifehealthbar.com

15. Where do kiwis grow up?

Maybe you did not know this, but kiwis grow on vines.

Image credit: www.pinterest.com

14. Which froot loops color do you prefer?

It doesn’t matter what Froot Loop color you eat, they all taste the same. It’s sad, but it’s true.

Image credit: www.pinterest.com

13. Do you like pretzels?

Have you ever wonder why do pretzels look like that? Well, the twists in pretzels are made to look like arms crossed in prayer.

Image credit: www.houseandgarden.co.uk

12. If you love apple, you’ll love this

Around the world there are over 7,500 varieties. If you want to eat all of them,  it would take you about 20 years having one each day.

Image credit: www.newyorkapplesales.com

11. You don’t know the importance of watermelon in Oklahoma!

If you did not know, the official state vegetable of Oklahoma is the watermelon. How cool is that?

Image credit: www.pingminghealth.com

10. Famous word, weird origin.

Everyone knows the word “spam”, but no one seems to know the origin. Well, “Spam” is short for spiced ham.

Image credit: www.foodbeast.com

9. Chocolate lovers around the world!

It turns out that chocolate is good but chocolate milk is even better. And also chocolate milk was invented in Ireland.

Image credit: www.pinterest.com

8. Have you ever wonder why cinnamon tastes so good?

I have the answer; cinnamons are the inner part of the tree. I’ll show you how looks!

Image credit: www.beautifulnow.is

7. Pineapples don’t grow up in a tree.

If you think that pineapples grow up in trees as apples, let me tell you that you’re wrong, pineapples grow like this:

Image credit: www.wellnesslabinfo.blogspot.com

6. Honey is not as cute as it looks like

Honey is made from nectar and bee vomit. Yum.

Image credit: www.birdsandbeeshoney.com

5. Coconuts are more dangerous than you think

Maybe you think that you are safe when you’re on the beach taking a sunbath and drinking coconut water, but the true is that coconuts kill more people than sharks every year.

Image credit: www.growersmarket.net.au

4. And the Nobel goes to: The inventor of Popsicles.

Popsicles were invented by an 11-year-old in 1905. And with that fact you realize that, you can do big things and your age does not have to be a problem.

Image credit: www.recipeshubs.com

3. Peas and pizza?

Is not very common ti see peas on pizza, but in Brazil, peas are one the most popular pizza toppings.

Image credit: www.thetimes.co.uk

2. Flowers also have interesting facts.

Did you know that artichokes are flowers that are eaten as buds?

Image credit: www.artichokes.org

1. The funniest fact about sliced bread!

Betty White is older than sliced bread. Lol

Image credit: www.buzzfeed.com
Anais Gutierrez: