Categories: Funny

20 Snapchats Of People That Are Having A Harder Day Than You Are

Other People’s Pain Makes Me Feel A Little Better About My Day.

I feel sorry for these people.

Starting a new week is hard. Nobody likes Mondays or Thursdays or pretty much everything that comes before Friday, now imagine waking up with the left foot. Well, it happens, and it’s awful.

That is the only explanation for those people that I assure you are the worst day ever, probably more than you.What could be worse than Monday? Well, these people have the answer for you:

20. This person that will starve to death.

This is what I call bad luck.

Via: Facebook.com

19. This is what happens when you are in a hurry.

She’ll be curling her hair forever.

Via: Facebook.com


18. The little kid that lost al the trust she had in her dad.

Well that hurt, thank you dad!

Via: Facebook.com

17. When the machines conspire against you.

I wonder how he solved this situation.

Via: Facebook.com

16. Having a pet is hard sometimes.

Carpet + dog= a nightmare.

Via: Facebook.com


15. The chances were so low Sharon, what did you do?

Imagine how she tells this story. Well, mom, I was going to pick up some milk at the grocery store and i crashed the car in an empty parking lot.

Via: Facebook.com

14.Houdini the dog.

I hope he knows how to swim.

Via: Facebook.com

13. When you wanted to wash your hands.

The guy did his job though.

Via: Facebook.com


12. I call this one “Me in Real Life”

This has happened to me at least five times.

Via: Facebook.com

11. When your mom asked you to wash your clothes.

At least they got that swimming pool they wanted so much.

Via: Facebook.com

10. When the weather hates you.

There’s nothing you can do about it.

Via: Facebook.com

9. That time you were starving.

When you fail at adulthood.

Via: Facebook.com

8. The biggest lost.

I feel this so much.

Via: Facebook.com

7. Taking a picture gone wrong.

But why always the ice cream? Why? What is life?

Via: Facebook.com


6. When you find your soulmate.

I know what you’re thinking, this isn’t bad at all or is it?

Via: Facebook.com

5.I feel their pain

This hurts so much.

Via: Facebook.com

4. When life gives you the wrong impression.

One word: disappointment.

Via: Facebook.com


3. When you give up.

At least the cat likes it.

Via: Facebook.com

2. I feel sorry for this one.

I can’t even think of it.

Via: Facebook.com

1. So, tell me about your new job?

Oh, it’s great.

Via: Facebook.com



Maria Gabriela Mendez: