Categories: Celebrity

$2.2 Million Offered to Anonymous Owner of a Rare Lord of the Rings Card

An anonymous owner may be credited with $2.2 million following the discovery of a one-of-a-kind “One Ring” game card. The One Ring card is part of the 1993 game “Magic: The Gathering” and was only one out of the millions of Lord of the Rings cards printed and distributed worldwide.

The One Ring is blamed for causing all the troubles in the Lord of the Rings saga. In J.R.R. Tolkien’s books, the ring drove people mad – and people all over the world went mad in trying to locate the elusive 1993 singular card until someone discovered it on Friday. It is a treasure whose odd of discovery is 0.00003% according to the Wall Street Journal.

The fantasy-themed collectible game card from Wizards of the Coast is a traditional foil card printed in the Black Speech of Sauron and one of the new sets of June 20 releases from the fantasy adventure franchise. The official Twitter account of Magic: The Gathering announced the discovery of One Ring and closed off its worldwide search.

“One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them,” the account announced. “We are thrilled to hear the tale of a new Ring-bearer in possession of the serialized 1:1 The One Ring! This journey is finished, but the adventure with #MTGxLOTR’s continues!”

Following its discovery, NFL football player Cassius Marsh offered to buy the One Ring card for $500,000 but trading card company Dave and Adam’s Card World offered to buy it for $1 million instead. Then Gremio de Dragons, a game card stored located in Spain, offered to have it for two million Euros or $2.2 million. It is now left for the original and anonymous card owner to accept the offer or have someone take it up again.

The Black Lotus card has been repeatedly purchased for well above $500,000 but Forbes reported that the most expensive card ever sold is a rookie card for baseball legend Mickey Mantle which sold for $12.6 million in 2022.

Pablo Luna: