Categories: Funny

5 Kids Who Figured Out Life Way Sooner Than You Did

You’re Probably Still Figuring It Out, TBH

Childhoood is the most beautiful time of life for many. As you really have no worries in life than to watch cartoons and coloring. But as time goes by humanity changes. Since evolution has done its part it seems that kids nowadays are smarter or at least more critic.

Kids now are weirder than ever. As their naive and simple way of looking at life has gone to another level. So to prove to you that kids currently are way more cynic and smarter than us, here you have 5 posts that show they’ve already figure out life faster than any of us.

Image Credit: @DaVinciVape

5.Child labor ethics

The world is spinning faster than ever nowadays. As literally time is money and the internet and globalization make everything instantaneous. So now you’ve to get all the experience you can to be the best.

That is what this little girl thought, as she is already working. Achieving more before puberty than many of us. At this pace, she will become CEO of something huge or president of the world who knows.

Image Credit: @basedrkelly

4.Fun slide.

One of the classic things that you did as a child was to create lovely cards and presents to your parents and grandfathers. As soon as you learned how to write you spoke your heart out on them wishing them the best.

But this kid is a philosopher, and maybe a poet. As his card to his dad realizing his age and the end of life are epic. As he uses a very messed up yet cute metaphor. Surely this will be pinned to the fridge.

Image Credit: : @brian_sack

3.Life goals.

Life gets more complicated as you grow up. You start realizing more things, getting new priorities and expectations. On the other hand, you start valuing more simple things. Like sleeping or eating.

So in a few seconds, this kid figured out life by himself. Destroying all the preconceptions and expectations that are generally expected. By giving an epic solution to all adulthood problems. Simply by eating.

Image Credit: @XplodingUnicorn

2.Real world princess.

Every girl wants to be a Disney princess and/or a ballerina while growing up. But when it’s “princess day” at the dance academy it’s the perfect blend for the girls.

But when it comes to standing out it’s really difficult. Despite that one girl really pulled it out, as she got dressed as a hot dog. Something that’s way cooler and more realistic as well. Turning also into an inspiration for all of us

Image Credit: @BrianCalzini

1.Dylan Nietzsche.

The best thing about being a kid is that your worries aren’t that big. But that doesn’t seem to be Dylan’s case. As his biggest fear, instead of the classic clowns, ghost or sharks, is time. As we are all victims and inmates.

As he wrote that he fears “The unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding us all towards an inevitable death.” Nietzsche would be so proud of him.

Image Credit: @annaszpalik14

Source: Buzzfeed.com

Luis Farage: